发表于 2020-6-20 05:34:56
本帖最后由 通卡马克 于 2020-6-20 05:41 编辑
《卫报》最近写了一篇关于铁肺的 Long Read 文章 The man in the iron lung。下面这节很有意思:
Polio existed in isolated outbreaks around the world for millennia, but it didn’t become epidemic until the 20th century – helped, ironically, by improvements in sanitation. Poliovirus enters the body through the mouth, via food or water, or unwashed hands, contaminated with infected faecal matter. Until the 19th century, almost all children would have come in contact with poliovirus before the age of one, while they still enjoyed protection from maternal antibodies transferred from mother to baby during pregnancy. However, as sanitation improved, children were less likely to come into contact with poliovirus as babies; when they encountered it as older children, their immune systems were unprepared. 按照这篇文章的说法,19世纪前儿童都是还在母乳免疫保护下接触过了脊髓灰质炎病毒,产生了抗体(?)。反倒是生活卫生提高上来的20世纪,小儿成长为少年了,突然再接触该病毒,事情就大条了!